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There are many different types of Thuja occidentalis and Thuja Plicata. Thuja types include; Thuja Occidentalis ‘Brabant’, Thuja Occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ (Emerald). Thuja Plicata ‘Atrovierens’ and Thuja Plicata ‘Zebrina’ (Thuja Golden).
Thuja Occidentalis and Plicata are part of the family of conifers and are common choices for hedging. This versatile conifer provides evergreen foliage, as the conifer regenerates from old wood.
This particular Thuja type is considered to be less common than Leylandii and grows at a slower rate. However, they are much more manageable and come in many different varieties. Thuja can grow up to 65 feet and are very effortless to grow. They are usually planted at the start of autumn but can be planted in the spring months of March and April. Thuja can be grown in all kinds of soils, from heavy clay, to thin and chalky soil, but it generally does not thrive in waterlogged conditions. Thuja can be exposed to full sun or shade and can be maintained well through even the harshest winter conditions, making it a substantial hedging plant. There are many different types of Thuja, which can be produced in a variety of plants and oriental trees.
Thuja Occidentalis ‘Brabant’
Thuja Occidentalis ‘Brabant’ is a type of Thuja. It is a large evergreen conifer that can be great as a privacy hedge as it grows very quickly. It can vary in size from 150cm up to 700cm. If Thuja ‘Brabant’ is kept in acceptable soil, it can grow up to 40-60cm per year on average. ‘Brabant’ is best trimmed in autumn to keep them in a good condition and shape.
The ‘Brabant’ is a different option from the Green Leylandii and provides other qualities and characteristics. The ‘Brabant’ evergreen foliage is compact, bushy and displays in a lighter brighter green than any other Thuja, this colour is even kept throughout the harsher winter months, as the ‘Brabant’ is tough and sturdy. The conifer can be cut back and will regenerate from the old wood.
Thuja Occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Another Occidentalis type of Thuja is called Thuja Occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ it is also known as Emerald Thuja as it provides beautiful emerald green foliage all year round making it an admirable conifer. Emerald Thuja is best utilized as a small hedge as it grows to 120cm and higher. Emerald Thuja can be easily maintained by trimming in the Autumn season to keep its sleek appearance.
Emerald Thuja is a compressed conifer, making them particularly suitable for architectural hedges. Emerald Thuja grows in a defined column, bringing variations of altitude to gardens. They are content with clay or chalky soils and will flourish in sun or partial shade.
Thuja Plicata ‘Zebrina’ also known as Thuja Golden Hedging is again a large evergreen conifer very similar to the Thuja Atrovirens. It is best to trim Thuja Golden in Autumn, as the conifer will regenerate from the old wood, making it a very low maintenance hedge. Thuja Golden provides a light creamy yellow foliage, making this conifer to be very inviting and a different type of Thuja to own.
Thuja Golden is usually used for smaller hedges, as it grows at a slower rate of 30cm per year, and can grow from 120cm to 200cm.
Thuja Plicata ‘Atrovirens’
Thuja Plicata ‘Atrovirens’ is another type of Thuja.  It’s also known as Western Red Cedar and is a favoured option to Green Leylandii. Thuja Plicata ‘Atrovirens is a very large conifer growing 60cm a year and can develop from 150cm to 700cm. While being a larger conifer than others it provides full coverage without having an unkempt appearance.
Thuja Plicata ‘Atrovirens’ foliage is pleasing to the eye as it displays in a fresh vivid green colour. The foliage emits a fruity fragrance which is inviting. It can be placed in moist and chalky soil and can thrive in sun or part shade.
The Hopes Grove Nurseries team has many years of experience in looking after all types of plants and hedges and will be able to help and answer all your queries. Please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.