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Bare root hedging plants are field-grown and lifted from the ground in the dormant season (November-April), and the soil is shaken from the roots. Characterised by a strong stem and robust root system, these are hardy hedging plants that can handle being transported without soil and compost.
The height of these hedging plants will vary depending on the species and age, but they typically range from 20/30cm up to 175/200cm in height when delivered to our customers.
If you need hedging from November-April, this is the most cost-efficient and environmentally friendly hedging option to choose. We have a range of bare root hedging options available here at Hopes Grove Nurseries – explore the range below.
If you’d like more information about Bare Root Hedging, scroll to the bottom of the page.
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Bare root hedging plants are by far the most economical and environmentally responsible way to establish a new hedge due to the smaller number of inputs required for the crop. Since they don’t require pots or compost, they are far lighter to transport.
However, bare root hedging needs the right care when planting to ensure the plants establish well. It is possible that some bare root hedging plants might not establish but with our top quality stock we would expect this number to be well under 5%, provided they are cared for and planted into prepared soil.
For more information about bare root hedges, visit our What is Bare Root Hedging knowledge base page. At Hopes Grove Nurseries, we supply potted, rootball, instant and bare root hedges, so you can choose the product that is best suited to your needs.
It is very important to prepare and plant your new bare root hedging all at once, and as well as you possibly can. To ensure as many bare root hedging plants establish well, it is important to plant and care for them properly, to ensure the vast majority of your bare root hedging plants thrive.
To plant bare root hedges, prepare the soil as well as you can, removing all perennial weeds from the site and digging a trench wide enough to accommodate your plants.
The density to which you plant them is completely up to you, based on the desired effect you would like and your budget. We suggest planting three to seven plants depending on the density of hedging required and can be planted in a single or double, staggered row.
When planting, hold the plant upright and press the soil down firmly around the roots. Apply mulch to help the plant retain moisture, and to deter weeds from growing around the base.
Keep the area around the hedging weed free and water as required, keeping an eye on moisture levels to avoid over watering or dry soil. Extra plants may be required for ‘gapping up’ the following season but their cost is offset by lower planting, preparation and maintenance costs.
See our full guide to How to Plant Bare Root Hedging, or How to Plant a Hedge in general, for detailed instructions.
Bare root hedging should be planted from November to April during the dormant season.. Planting bare root hedging from November to April will give the hedging plenty of time to acclimatise to its new location before the growth season starts.
You can keep bare root hedging for a few days before it needs to be planted out.. If you soak the roots for an hour or so after the hedging arrives, they can then be stored in a dark, sheltered place (like a garden shed) until you’re ready to plant.
Alternatively, if you can’t plant the bare root hedges properly right away, you could “heel” them in by soaking the roots in water for an hour and then placing them in a trench at the angle, loosely backfilling with compost to keep the roots moistened until you’re ready.
Bare root hedges are sold younger than other types of hedging plants, so they also take longer to grow – it can take a couple of years to get a full and dense hedge. You can stimulate the growth of your bare root hedges with fertiliser, and buy spare plants to fill any gaps that may emerge, until your hedge reaches your desired density and appearance..
Hopes Grove Nurseries offer bare root hedges for households across Kent and the UK. With over 30 years of experience, a 50-acre family-run nursery, and a dedicated team of hedging experts, we are keen to supply gardeners with high-quality hedging plants and the knowledge needed to help them flourish.
Call us on 01580 765600 for more information on bare root hedges.