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Sarcococca hedging plants and shrubs, also known as sweet box hedging is a sought after plant in terms of small hedging. Over the past few years it has become popular as an alternative to box hedging. It grows evergreen and creates tapered pointed dark green leaves, growing well in many situations. The popularity of this plant is due to the small creamy white flowers it produces in winter, arriving with a sweet scent that is pleasant to the time of year when a lot of the other plants slow down in terms of flowering. The Sarcococca hedge has many uses, with it primarily being used to separate parts of gardens and is being found more and more in formal gardens.
All Sarcococca varieties are wonderful little evergreen shrubs, their delicate sweetly scented flowers make for a welcome distraction from the short Winter days, they make super additions to beds, borders and containers, particularly when planted closer to the house where the scent can be best appreciated.
We stock a wide range of these fabulous little plants, even if you arent planning on a hedge, we highly recommend ordering one or two to pop in the garden, you wont regret it!
Take a look below for further information on how to tend and take care of your sweet box shrubs.
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Sarcococca as mentioned above has become a very popular option for people looking for small hedge alternatives. These evergreen hedges can grow to 3ft (90cm) in height, flowering in colder months. These hedges offer many advantages to other hedges in its category, such as the ability to grow well even in shade. The flowers created a sweet scent, and look appealing to the eye as well with their creamy white petals, the pure white flowers appear from December to March. The fragrance that is emitted from the white flowers are vanilla-like. Although their predominant names are Sarcococca, they are also known as Sweet Box hedging or Christmas Box plants. They produce dark berries that then follow into winter flowers. These hedges are ideal to act as a shady border or for a woodland garden. They cope very well within urban populations and dry shade.
We are more than happy to provide you with advice on what may be suitable for your garden or area of shrubbery. Feel free to read regarding how to care, growth rate and density of the sweet box hedges.
Growth Rate for Sarcococca Hedge Plants
Sarcococca are best grown as small hedges and they are commonly grown to a height of 1-3ft (30-90cm). They are not the fastest growing hedges available which makes maintenance of these hedges easier. This is why they are favoured when it comes to growing small hedges. When the hedges are grown to the height you require they should be trimmed to allow them to become fuller and thicker.
Care for your Sarcococca Hedging
Sarcococca plants are fairly hardy and will generally tolerate a lot of different soil types. We however recommend that the soil is mixed with compost to provide the hedge with the best environment to grow within the first year.
After planting the hedge, it needs to be watered on a regular basis to give it the best chance of survival, this is especially true should you plant sweet box hedging in warmer and drier summer months.
Another important tip to note is that water is going to be a fundamental aspect of the chances of your hedges survival, this being specific to planting in warmer months. When watering we recommend using a soaker hose to allow the water to soak into the surrounding area of the hedge. This type of hose would be best as it can slowly leak water onto the roots of the hedge in a controlled manner. This will mean that your hedge is properly watered. They are easy to use and install and can be very effective.
Why Choose Hopes Grove Nurseries?
We understand the trials you go through when looking for hedges, and we understand that you are not always guaranteed to find the selection of plants you may be looking for. We are here to provide you with a premium range of hedging plants with a vast amount of information for each range you may be interested in. At Hopes Groves Nurseries, we are dedicated growers of top quality plants, ranging from potted, bare root and rootball types. We assure you that you can find a hedge for every purpose.
The same goes for all our plants, as well as the Sarcococca Confusa hedge, they will arrive from our family-run nursery based in Kent. You can rest assured that they have been tendered to and well cared for, arriving to you in pristine condition ready to go in the ground.
If you are interested in our Sarcococca hedging and shrub range, then please take a look at the options above or get in touch with us today.