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Viburnum hedging plants
On this page you can find the evergreen types of Viburnum most commonly used for hedging, Viburnum tinus and Viburnum tinus Eve Price. Both form colourful buds in Autumn which develop progressively, providing colour and interest from Autumn right through to Spring when the flowers are open completely.
These Viburnums also make super shrubs, and we also stock other fantastic Viburnum Shrubs for beds and borders that you might be interested in.
Viburnums are lovely, often highly scented, hardy flowering garden shrubs, known as one of the most versatile of plants with attractive foliage. It will grow happily in any moderate soil as long as not too wet or waterlogged, in full sun or partial shade.
There are between 150 and 175 species of Viburnum coming in an enormous range of shapes and sizes, deciduous and evergreen. It is said that in prehistoric times the long straight shoots of some species were used as shafts for arrows and the bark is used in herbal medicine. Some species are deciduous, whilst others are evergreen.
At Hopes Grove Nurseries, each variety is different with bright, stunning colours that will populate your garden when in bloom. They’re particularly beneficial for pollinators, as their bright colours are popular with honeybees and bumblebees during the warmer months. Foraging birds are also attracted to the plants as foraging and nesting spots.
The deciduous species are known for their fantastic hues of autumn colour before the foliage drops. Evergreens tend to have a deep glossy leaf with flowers produced over the winter such as Viburnum Tinus (Lauistinus) and Viburnum Tinus Eve Price, making for excellent hedges large and small depending on which species were chosen. Nearly all will flower, some with heady scents to add to the enjoyment of them whether planted as a hedge, in borders or as specimen plants or even in some cases medium-sized trees.
Planting Tips for Viburnum Hedges
Viburnum hedges are extremely tolerant for colder climates, the perfect plant type for UK winters. Before planting, it is important to assess the landscape and plan the area in which you wish to plant. The type of species you select will depend on whether you choose an area of full, partial or mixed exposure, as well as the soil type.
The best time to plant a viburnum hedge is in autumn, though they can also be planted in spring. This is to ensure that the roots have time to establish before summer heat or winter cold. Once planted, it is important to maintain your Viburnum hedge. Your plant will require regular trimming, and how often depends on your preferences. More manicured hedges require more trimming, but if you’d like to severely trim the hedge we’d recommend pruning in spring after flowering.
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Why Choose Hopes Grove Nurseries?
Hopes Groves Nurseries have been growing Viburnum hedging for the past 30 years. From our years of experience, we’ve developed the expertise to become hedging specialists, only delivering the freshest, highest quality hedge plants grown exclusively by us at our nursery in Kent. With over half a million hedging varieties for you to choose from, it’s not hard to see why we’re five-star rated by our customers. Each hedging plant is lovingly cultivated and delivered to your door and locations across the UK.
Should you have any questions about Viburnum hedging, or any other hedging type don’t hesitate to let us know. Simply get in touch and a member of our knowledgeable team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.